Business Intelligence
BSi: Business Solution Intelligence
SI Solution Intelligence Business Solution Intelligence، It is a set of methods, systems and tools that intelligently tries to lead the business from the highway of information technology to excellence.
Blood pressure test, CT scan, MRI and … There is nothing to put on different parts of the business and figure out which part of the business is not good. After treatment, there is also no device to re-examine and see if the business is getting better.
In medical science, we encounter a lot of patients say:
“Such a doctor is good at diagnosis.” But we hear less saying that The doctor is treating him well!!! That’s because it’s something that’s very important to diagnose. when Diagnosis is true, everyone can treat.
In business the situation is similar, diagnosis is more important than treatment. When an organizational complication was identified, everyone could treat it and who is better than the owners and business managers themselves. But the diagnosis …